
The One Maidstone Business Improvement District is funded by the town centre businesses to provide, amongst other things: the town centre business crime reduction partnership, town centre Ambassadors, CCTV monitoring, town centre events, the Christmas lights scheme, promotional materials including printed publications, networking events, social media marketing, enhanced and responsive cleansing. In the past 5 years we have delivered a wide range of services for the betterment of our town, giving our community a safe and welcoming town centre, and showing the wider world what Maidstone has to offer. We are delighted to announce One Maidstone Business Improvement District (BID) has been awarded a new five-year term (Oct 2023 – Sep 2028) to support, represent, and promote Maidstone, the County Town. 

“Following the success of the Heart of Kent Hospice Elmer trail and the witnessing the awe-inspiring positive impact that it had on the town centre, when offered the opportunity to help support the Heart of Kent Hospice on another wild in art project, we jumped at the chance. Thrilled to be supporting Shaun the Sheep and the hospice on their next baaaa-rilliant trail adventure!”   Michelle, CEO, ONEMaidstone BID


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