This design shows a typical British day where on one side of Shaun is sunny weather and on the other is a rainy day. The countryside depicts a selection of our British wildlife: a squirrel in an oak tree, swans, sows, sheep, a fox, a bumble bee and a butterfly. Also, the typical British flora and fauna: a willow tree, poppies, bluebells, buttercups and daisies, brambles, cowslips and nettles. The ode to Kent is the Oast house in the background and hops growing on Shaun’s tail. Jill has painted a few sculptures for Wild in Art, she runs an art club for primary-aged children encouraging them to use their imagination and experiment with various materials. Jill also works with schools creating indoor sculptures, hosts workshops and paints murals. Primarily, she is a graphic designer.

Opening times:
Whatman park is open daily from 8:00am until dusk.